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Factory Automation

SILMA CimStation Robotics

SILMA - Division of Adept Technology, Inc.

SILMA CimStation Robotics is used to design, simulate, and programrobotics workcells. Offline programming with CimStation Robotics reducestechnical and financial risks involved in designing and implementingrobotic workcells. The object-oriented, open system architecture ofCimStation allows the user to easily expand and customize functionalityof the system.Features include: 3-D surface-shaded graphics, robot/device modelingcapabilities, CAD/CAM interfaces, end-effector modeling, dynamicsimulation, collision detection and avoidance, robot approach andpositioning tools, and a user-friendly interface. An extensive library ofindustrial robot models and post-processors is available.

Language: SIL
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: C compiler, SunPhigs V 1.4 or higher, 1/4" tape drive, XZ or CREATOR 3D graphics
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

SILMA - Division of Adept Technology, Inc.
150 Rose Orchard Wy
San Jose, CA 95134
Phone: (408) 432-1260
        (800) 34-SILMA
Fax: (408) 432-3490